Bruxelles Premiere | The Tensioactive Interlayer | Thomas Gorbach | 2024/2025 | 8:35 | fixed media
Tensioactive substances seem inconspicuous, yet they are of crucial importance: They bridge what repels – liquids with seemingly insurmountable surface tensions come together through their intervention. In the same way, the composition penetrates tensions, dissolves them, and transforms them into new sonic landscapes. It reflects the fragmentation of our world, where contradictions can be guided into a delicate harmony through careful mediation.
Three distinct frictions lead the way: surfaces collide, friction ignites sparks, until a new soundscape opens up. Frequencies intertwine – sharp, crystalline – and unexpectedly reveal a shimmering beauty of their own. The transformation begins: what was once stretched horizontally tips over, pulled by the weight of recoil, where sound seeks its new form – and in the vertical, finds the moment of metamorphosis.