Götz Bury

Goetz Bury

Metal design & finish : stands, screws, table & mixing desk

Götz Bury – metal design & execution : stands, screws, table & mixing desk

1960 born in Hamburg, studied sculpture and philosophy in Vienna, assistant to Franz West, vice-president of IG Bildende Kunst Wien, collaboration in the artist group “Die Halbe Wahrheit”, in the management team of the art and culture festival “SOHO in Ottakring” Vienna, 2002 start of the performance series “NARZISS – Das Fotostudio – Selbstdarstel- lung auf höchster Stufe”, since 2013 collaboration with the writer Bodo Hell (objects, performance, sound), since 2017 in the management team of the “Acousmatic Project” in Vienna, since 2017 collaboration in the project “Das erste Wiener Mehrweg- ensemble” together with Werner Zangerle, Didi Kern u. Roland Rathmair (sound objects, performance, experimental jazz).

Exhibitions and performances (selection)

Kunsthaus Bregenz (2009), Garage X/Theater am Petersplatz
in Vienna (2009/10), Museum Villa Rot/Germany (2010), Neue Kunst Galerie Karlsruhe (2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2019), Sargfabrik Vienna (2011), Frappant e.V., Hamburg (2011), Jazz- club Porgy & Bess, Vienna (2012, 2014, 2015, 2018), Halle14/ Leipzig (2013), ACC Weimar (2014), Künstlerhaus Ulm (2014), Museum Stift Admont/Styria(2015, 2016), JesuitenFoyer/ Vienna (2017), Festival der Regionen/Marchtrenk, Upper Austria (2017), Wien Modern/Vienna (2017), Theaterfestival Weissen- bach/Styria (2018), Kunst und Kulturfestival “Begehungen” Chemnitz/D (2018), Fourier Festival Vienna (2018), Literatur- museum/Vienna (2019), Klangmanifeste/Vienna (2019), Galerie V&V Vienna (2019), Ortung 11, Schwabach/Germany (2019), Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten, Klagenfurt (2019), Kunstver- ein Moving Poets, Berlin (2019). Museum Schloss Orth (2020), Museum Schloss Halbturn (2021).