
From Outer Space - The Acousmatic Project @ Natural History Museum Vienna

From Outer Space – The Acousmatic Project @ Natural History Museum Vienna

Embodied Gestures: Sculpting Sonic Expression into Musical Artifacts

Enrique Tomàs & Thomas Gorbach: BendRotation Nr.1 for NoisyRotation Instrument & Bending Instrument

Mixing Desk: Angela Lau
Echoes around me | Streaming Concert | 9 May 2020 | Echoraum Wien

Jens Vetter & Thomas Gorbach | Modular Synth & Acousmonium

Echoes around me | Streaming Concert | 9 May 2020 | Echoraum Wien

Michael Fischer | Feedback Saxophon

Echoes around me | Streaming Concert | 9 May 2020 | Echoraum Wien

Verwoben – Fixed Media: Martina Claussen, Visuals: Conny Zenk

Echoes around me | Streaming Concert | 9 May 2020 | Echoraum Wien